
Showing posts from May, 2018

The ocean is rising In the past decade the ocean temperature has risen 0.07 degrees Celsius. It may not seem like a lot to us but to marine life it is. For the first time a bottle nosed dolphin and a killer whale share the same habitat. Due to the fact that it is getting warmer the bottle nosed dolphins are migrating north and killer whales south. It is not just those marine animals it many more. With the temperature rising in the ocean animals are going to keep on having to find new homes or learn to adapt.

Waste Kills Fish, but It's not People Causing it Death's of fish in Africa's Mara River is a very clear concern for many people. What company must we boycott this time. Shit. We must not boycott shit. Hippo Shit to be exact. Due to a recent dry period and the large amount of plant matter in the shit, oxygen levels have been lowing in the area.
MOVING NORTH AS THE OCEAN WARMS        Larger marine predators have been spotted migrating into north pacific waters. North Pacific waters are usually to cold for these predators; but due to the change in climate increasing water temperatures areas like Canada's Vancouver Island and North Carolina estuary are becoming suitable habitats for these predators. Bottle nose dolphins and false killer whales have been spotted migrating toward the western part of Vancouver Island, the waters in that area hit 16.5 degrees Celsius which perfect temperatures for these animals. A similar migration has taken place in Atlantic waters with bull sharks who have started appearing near North Carolina. Since sharks give birth to their young they need ideal waters to deliver in, different water level changes such as temperature have made the North Carolina estuary a great nursery for baby sharks. The biggest concern with these predators migrating to new place is the disruption that their disappearan

“We Wouldn’t Need the Suicide Hotline If Dairy Farmers Were Getting Paid What They Deserve”

How little I know about the diary industry-  Do you know?