Earth Day Summit Will Mark U.S. Return to Global Climate Talks

     Even though President Joe Biden has only been in office for a week, he has already begun to plan how the United States will tackle the looming world climate crisis, as well with our interactions with other nations concerning this issue. Now, Biden wants to host a summit for Earth Day in April for nations to discuss climate and environmental issues. The problem is that the United States is no longer in the Paris Agreement, a global climate group set on lowering emissions. We were taken out by former president Trump, and the Obama limitations for 2025 are no longer valid. It is now said that we may not get back in until 2030. Former Secretary of State Kerry is working closely with Biden, negotiating with other countries to try and get the United States back in order for this summit to occur in April. 

    The goal to get US carbon emissions down by around 25% by April will be a difficult one, but there is ambition. But officials hope that the pandemic can help with a new start, and that pandemic recovery efforts can try to steer people and corporations in the direction of low emissions. Climate meetings are scheduled throughout the year, with events in Cornwall, England in June, Glasgow, Scotland in November, and Italy sometime next autumn, as well as a German meeting arranged by Chancellor Angela Merkel. These deadlines will be tough, but they are important to the health of our climate and for humanity as a whole. There is hope that with the overturn of a new administration, this will be energetically completed as soon as possible.


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