iceberg is breaking off south georgia is threatened


    The largest iceberg on Earth is having to comes to an end as a sanctuary to penguins, seals, and a small population of endangered blue whales. Satellite images are showing that large chunks of ice are continuing to break off. On December 17, about 69 square miles broke from the iceberg, and on December 22 the front pointed tip of the iceberg broke. Due to the ice breaking,  A68d, A68e, and A68f were all formed. This is an issue because the remainder of A68 and its siblings will become stuck there and cut South Georgia’s wildlife off from feeding grounds.  it’s also unclear how long the iceberg might stay intact and in place. The chunks of ice are rapidly releasing freshwater into an ecosystem that is adapted to saltwater. Penguins and seals will suffer if the iceberg grounds in place because it would create a wall between the land and their feeding grounds. If the animals don't eat, their species will die off and become extinct.


  1. Is there another way for these animals to get food or where the the iceberg is there only way to find food?


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