Life on Venus

     Astronomers have spotted a potiential lifeform in Venus. In Venus's acidic clouds, they found a chemical called, phosphine, which may be a sign of life. Even though astronomers have no real clue on if there is actually life on Venus, they are still doing their job by searching for new and odd things in space. In our life time we will never see an astronaut make it to Venus, and come back to tell us what they saw. It is only within your imagination to believe what is out in space. 


  1. Personally, I think that there is life outside the Earth, and to me it is a waste of money to look for it. Much like you said, we probably won't have anyone to Venus and back in our lifetimes, but with how far technology continues to progress, we may very well have regular travel to the moon and back or even another planet and back.

  2. Personally, I believe that the government is hiding stuff from us. I feel like those planets might be going through an extinction that we went through before wildlife. Their is many possibilities of what life could be living on other planets.

  3. In my opinion, I definitely think that there is other life forms outside of Earth. Maybe not animal or plants life forms, although that is an option, but little things like bacteria. I agree that within our lifetime we most likely won't see anyone go to Venus, but it still is so amazing to think about how far technology has came to be able to know that one day it can happen.

  4. I feel like there has always been life on other planets the government just never had the funds to spend on studying them. I hope that before I die, not even just Venus, but I would love to hear about astronauts going to anything other than the moon. I don't know if this could actually happen in our lifespan but it would be really interesting to find out what has been out there.

  5. I believe there is many variations of life out there that we are unaware of. As soon as technology begins to further, there will be future discoveries. I do agree with the fact we will be unable to see the life on Venus during our lifetime, as funding isn't quite there yet, and more research needs to be done.

  6. I think there is definitely something else out there besides us on earth. It is crazy to think that we are getting so close, but are still so far from finding life on other planets. I hope to see in my lifetime scientists successfully find something, or successfully go to Venus.

  7. I think that life on Venus is very possible. It is sad to think that our generation will indeed never know though. But however it is very cool to know that there is a great possibility that their could be a whole community of aliens out there in our solar system. Along with our many other solar systems.


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