Protecting Orangutan Habitats

 Before, scientists thought that orangutans were good at surviving from food shortages. But after doing further research, that's not the case. Scientists have been studying the muscle mass of the orangutans when there is a fruit shortage. On the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia, studies show when there is less fruit available, the muscle mass of orangutans is lower. Deforestation is on the rise, and there needs to be a conservation plan in place to help save the orangutan species. 

I think this article is very eye opening. We need to take action to help save animals in our environment, before they become endangered or extinct. Deforestation needs to stop because it is harming the animals that live in that habitat. A conservation plan needs to be put in place so we can save these orangutans.



  1. I agree that we need to take action to help save animals in our planet. It'll be our fault why they are going extinct. We are cutting down their homes and taking their food for ourselves.

  2. I agree that deforestation must stop. I think that it is horrible that these animals are losing their food/habitat, all while the entirety of the earth is losing air.

  3. I agree that we need to stop deforestation to save the animals on Earth. Deforestation takes away food and homes from the animals and we are just using the things that they need for our wants.

  4. Deforestation has so many negative effects on innocent animals in which have no control over it, but us as humans do, and we're killing our earth. Changes definitely need to be made in a way that is beneficial to everyone, rather than us just sitting back and watching.


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