High levels of contaminants in killer whales

There's still not a lot of information but it has just been discovered that there has been chemicals found in the tissues of killer whales. These chemicals affect both the reproducing's of wildlife and environment. Polychlorinated biphenyls (toxic aromatic compound) has been found in the blubber of seven out eight found whales. Pollution that is in connection with top predators gives researchers an idea of how it effects the health of the ecosystem, and how the pollutants traveled the environment. This research is still being updated but as of now, scientists are  continuing to monitor the contaminants that was found in the Artic killer whales.



  1. Ocean environments are being contaminated with more and more human toxins. There needs to be tighter restrictions on such pollution in order to prevent such chemicals from ravaging these ocean ecosystems. The ocean takes up about 70% of the earths surface and the destruction of its environments would lead to the destruction of the world


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