"Ghost Forests" Spreading Across Coastlines May Contribute To Climate Change

     A study conducted by North Carolina State University suggests that the spread of ghost forests across the North Carolina coast may have implications about global warming. A ghost forest is created when salt water levels rise and kill freshwater trees, leaving behind a forest of dead or dying trees. The study found that these trees had less carbon in them above ground than they used to. The researchers studied 2,85 acres of natural land and found that the number of ghosts forests increased by 15% between 2001 and 2014. They also calculated that about 130,000 metric tons of carbon were lost because of ghost forests. The researchers also had a small problem within their study- their measurements could have been affected by new trees being planted nearby for the timber industry. They also reported that wildfires and droughts may also contribute to the growing number of ghost forests. The study helped to create a map of current ghost forests and areas that are at risk so that preventative measures may be taken. 

    This is an important study to hear about because it tells another story about the problem with rising sea levels due to melting ice caps, all created by global warming. Most people worry about higher sea levels harming cities along the coastline, but the creation of ghost forests are actively destroying natural land and crucial habitat for native animals. 



  1. I didn't know that there was such an impact from rising saltwater levels that it would kill freshwater trees. The fact that the melting caused from the melting icecaps creating a rise in sea level making more ghost forest which is also causing global warming is insane. It seems like a full circle of global warming and when something else happens it effects another factor and keeps going on and on. This definitely needs to be shared because it shows that even an aftermath of a global warming issue can effect it the same as a whole forest burning.

  2. You don't hear about this problem often when it should definitely be talked about more. It's scary to me how there are so many unknown factors contributing to global warming that most people don't know about. As you said, more people are worried about the higher sea levels because we see and hear about them more and more.


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