Moth Adapting to Pollution

 This article is about a moth species called the Tobacco Hawkmoth, which is able to adapt to the scent of flowers which have been changed by air pollution. The moth typically went to jasmine tobacco flowers, & was not expected to still be attracted to them when they was tainted by pollution. However, the Tobacco Hawkmoths chose to still visit the flowers, even when pollution changed their scent. 

The moth's unexpected reaction to the polluted flowers could be significant because it shows that insects might be able to adapt to & overcome the effects pollution has on nature. Before this can be confirmed though, many more tests would need to take place. Either way, pollution is still a problem, regardless of whether or not certain insects are discouraged by it. Although if it is shown that they are able to still survive in polluted areas, that would be beneficial based on the worsening air pollution situation. 


  1. This makes me wonder if other animals can adapt to a certain point to pollution like these moths did. Although these animals can only adapt so quickly and so much before pollution is too much. We need to change something to help the environment.


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