air pollution in the world

     India accounts for seven out of ten cities in the world with the worst air pollution.  According to Greenpeace and AirVisual, Gurugram is the world's worst polluted city. It's air quality index is three times the level which the US Environmental Protection Agency regards as healthy. Gurugram's air quality level averages at 135.8. Scientists say air pollution will cause around 7 million premature deaths globally and will have a major economic impact. "Air pollution steals our livelihoods and our futures," said Yeb Sano, executive director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia. Eighteen of the world's top 20 most polluted cities are in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh, including the major population centers of Lahore, Delhi and Dhaka. Climate change is making the effects of air pollution worse by changing atmospheric conditions and is increasing the chances of forest fires. The World Health Organization says poor air quality is the greatest environmental health risk. Air pollution kills nearly 10% of children under the age of five. It can increase the risk of strokes, heart disease and lung cancer. 

griffinth, james. “22 of the top 30 most polluted cities in the world are in India.” cnn, 5 march 2019, Accessed 21 november 2020.


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