Freshwater is Decreasing as the Population Rises

The majority of the water found in the world is salt water. Freshwater is found in glaciers, in the ground and smaller bodies of water on the surface of the Earth. Access to fresh water is what makes a strong economy for a nation. Limited fresh water has caused western states in the United States to work and preserve fresh water sources. As the population increases weather patterns will change along with accessibility of fresh water. 

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Fresh water is the most valuable resources on Earth for human survival. Every cycle and organism needs water to survive and function. The resource can not be taken for granted and ways to share the resource needs to be found. Access to water creates a strong economy, population, and nation.


  1. The issue with the Colorado River has been going on for awhile. Did you know that the river goes from northern Colorado into Mexico. It has gotten so bad that by time the river now reaches Mexico it is almost non-existent. I have a book in the library titled Water Wars and the author states that the wars in the Middle East which we think have been about oil have really been about fresh water rights.


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