How Stable is the Antarctic Sheet?

     The Antarctic Sheet of ice is one of the, if not the strongest sheets of ice in the world. Due to global warming though, the melting of the polar ice sheet is happening faster than expected. An international team of scientists studied the East Arntarctic sheet using deep-sea sediments, and came to a conclusion that the ice sheets are weakening and shrinking, and are become less stable than ever before. I believe that this in happening to the Antarctic Sheet simply because of global warming. This sheet of ice used to be one of the strongest things on the planet and now its is becoming very weak, and who knows maybe in our lifetime it will almost be gone. 


  1. Wow that is crazy to think about! Something that has been around for millions of years is slowly dissolving, and it is all due to our own destruction. If fully melted I wonder what some of the consequences would be?


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