Climate Change Shows Big Threat to Humanity

    The article speaks about the immense damage that humans have caused the planet. It relates many of these damages to big companies and the wealthiest of Americans consuming too many products for the environment to survive. It talks about the UN National of Biodiversity. A convention that set environmental conservation goals for the world. All countries ratified these ideals except for the United States. With the current damage done to the environment the window to save it is closing and it will be very difficult to turn humanity's destruction around.

    This article projects the urgency of the situation very well as many Americans see the environment as a secondary concern to the economy. Many see a booming economy as a higher necessity than having an environment to provide everything that we need to survive. Many do their little part to help the environment like turning the lights off in vacant rooms but these trivial attempts aren't the main problem. It is the big corporations and super rich that cause such environment issues in the US if not the world. These are the people that need to be stopped.

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  1. The damage people have done to the environment is becoming increasingly irreversible as time goes on. We are using way to many of the Earth's resources and the environments we take them from do not have enough time to bounce back and replenish its resources. Big businesses and selfish corporations are leading us down a path to humanities own demise nd they need to think about the Earth for once. Once we run out of all resources, what will we do then?


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