Zebra Finches Able to Identify Bird by Song

     An avian species called the Zebra finch has been found to have the ability to identify any member of its large flock, by recognizing their song. After a set of experiments was done, it was discovered that the Zebra finches were able to differentiate both between different songs of its flock members, along with different long-distance contact calls between the other birds. Both males & females of the species were very successful in the experiment, leading scientists to the conclusion that the brains of songbirds are specifically wired to communicate orally amongst themselves. 

    This is impressive because Zebra finches are typically part of a flock of up to 100 birds, meaning they have been able to memorize and recognize up to 100 different songs. It is likely that if these finches were able to recognize one another's calls, then other songbird species could do the same. This information is interesting because it could lead to more experiments which will be able to show which types of songbirds, or birds in general, have this ability, & to what extent.

Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201121104309.htm#


  1. Animal instinct is very interesting. The birds just know what noises they need to make to signal certain things. I wonder if the older members of the flock have to teach this or if it is something that comes naturally.

  2. This is soooooo cool. I do not think I could identify 50 people from just their voice. Did the author mention why they picked zebra finches? I know research has been done with ravens and crows that shows they too are social and have fantastic memories.

    1. A crow can identify a face and if that face is associated with danger it can tell other crows & teach their young to avoid that face (person). It's just a clip about the crows and the mask, but if you can find the whole program to watch it is fascinating.


  3. This is really fascinating, but it makes sense, because if you think about it, we can tell the difference in people by their voice or even the way they walk. So I wonder if all animals are like this or just a selected few.


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