Next-Gen Gaming Is an Environmental Nightmare

 Gaming has obviously become something we do all the time right now, especially because there is not much else we can do.  It's also hard for many gamers to stop playing because many games contain real-world problems.  Gaming has always been rough for the environment with the plastic, e-waste, and mined-metal to name a few.  However, gaming materials are becoming invisible.  This will solve the problem right?  Wrong.  Gaming is leaving a major carbon footprint with the U.S. using 34 terawatt-hours per year in energy use.  In West Virginia alone, the carbon dioxide emissions are equal to what would be emitted by over 5 million cars.  All the gaming companies know the impact on the environment that is happening, and they say they are planning on coming up with a solution for the problem soon.  Microsoft says they are going to be carbon-negative by 2030, and Sony says they will achieve no environmental footprint at all by 2050.  Even when people are using consoles, we run into the problem of them ending up in landfills because they aren't recyclable after use.  Overall, there needs to be a change with more recyclable materials and renewable energy.  Less emissions and less pollution could help save the planet.

I think that maybe we could find alternate activities to do other than gaming to reduce the environment.  From reading this article, gaming has a major environmental impact that can speed up global warming and is destroying our environment.  Why do we game so much if we know the impact on the world we live in?  There are alternate activities to do other than gaming that don't destroy the environment, so why do humans do this?  Why do we keep knowingly destroying our environment?  I know global warming is going to happen, but it will come so much faster if we keep polluting our environment.  We need to stop and take a second to see what is happening around us and improve, so the environment is safe for every organism to live here.


  1. While I do agree it would be beneficial for people to take a break from their screens and pursue other hobbies/ activities once in a while, I don't think most people know how much environmental harm gaming can cause. I know I never really stopped to think about it, or how much energy is being consumed by my computer. Thus, if you wish to take action in lessening game based environmental damage, perhaps the most beneficial goal you could accomplish is informing others of the environmental consequences of mass gaming.

    1. The above comment is mine, it says unknown because I was logged into the wrong account when I published the comment.


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