Covid 19

Covid 19 is already a dangerous disease. Millions of people are dying from it. Not to state the obvious but it is much worse for people that are amino compromised. People can be completely healthy with no health problems and still die, that's why this is a pandemic. This article is explaining how dangerous and deadly this disease is for people who have diabetes. They are much more likely to get and and suffer. To people that aren't compromised, we still get it but our symptoms usually aren't too bad. For diabetes and any other disease, you are at much higher risk.

After reading through this article, I emphasize how important it is to listen about social distancing. Even though you might not have any medical conditions, you are still putting people at risk. Contact tracing starts with someone that got it and can go back to someone they walked past in a store a week ago. If we are not careful thousands of more people are going to die. 



  1. I agree that we have to social distance, and we also have to always be using masks when around people not in your home. Losing people to this disease who had no symptoms makes it very concerning.

  2. I also agree we should be following the precautions requested of us instead of blowing them off, just because it "wont effect you when you get it". It is still extremely harmful to others, and during this time we need to be thinking beyond ourselves.

  3. i agree with you. I think people need to start taking this seriously and wear their mask when they go out or don't go out at all. Social distancing is key.

  4. It's disappointing that there are people who don't believe the guidelines given to us by professionals which in the end only causes more harm to them or people they may infect. We're almost a year into the pandemic and there is still people who don't believe in it or don't take it serious enough. More people need to read articles like this one.

  5. Social distancing is very important because anytime humans can stay away from eachother, the virus has less of a chance of spreading throughout people.


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