Arctic Lighting

 Nolan Miller

April 5, 2021

AP Environmental Science

    The National Weather Service reported in 2019 the first known lightnings within 300 miles of the North Pole. Lighting strikes in this area are almost unheard of, but reports show that the number of lighting strikes is likely to increase by 100% in the following years. The impacts of this will be great, with lighting likely to cause fires burning plants, trees, and more crucial to the artic and tundra ecosystems. In addition to this, increased heat will melt the permafrost, leading to the release of greenhouse gasses. 

    I think this is interesting, as I did not know lighting was uncommon near the North Pole. I do think it may be alarming that this increase in lightning could lead to certain problems, but I don't think it is anything to worry about. 



  1. A cause of global warming!! I really hope the government starts trying to reverse global warming soon. I also never knew that lighting strikes in the north pole were unheard of.

  2. I think it's interesting that something like lightning can cause global warming primarily based on where it strikes.

  3. This could be alarming for the arctic plant and animal life. I wonder if global warming is causing the increase in lightning strike.

  4. It never crossed my mind that lightning had the power to effect global warming, nor that the Artic doesn't have lightning storms as frequently as other parts of the world. I suppose I never really imagined penguins and polar bears sheltering from a thunder storm. Perhaps it will be necessary in the upcoming years to take precautionary measures against the coming storms, such as installing lighting rods to try and control where lightning strikes, and monitoring the conditions of the permafrost in more detail so environmentalists can prepare to assist artic populations as need be.

  5. I never knew that lightening never struck in the North Pole! That's really interesting that just because of something that is common where we live, can mean major danger for a different area. It's insane to think about the fact that this is more proof that global warming is becoming a major issue and will continue to get worse if big government official don't do something about it.


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