Forest Fires in the North Could Accelerate Climate Change

         With climate change on the inevitable rise, due to carbon emissions, as well as other plentiful greenhouse gases, the threat of speeding up this world ending disaster is a serious issue, as it may limit our time in trying to reverse it's affects. Recently, forest fires have been a serious issue, and under the watchful eye of environmentalists who are worried about global warming. Computer simulations used for decades have been found to been underestimating the effects of global warming simply due to the fact of these forest fires. 

    The estimate has been that forests capture about 30% of all human related CO2 emissions, which may be inaccurate, due to the large amount of data that has been misrepresented. Due to these large outbreaks in forest fires, northern forests have been increasingly dense in carbon, not only perpetuating the issue through causing more fires, but also generally heating up the immediate area. 

    The first step to improving this situation, as with a lot of other environmental issues, is to first gather data. Scientists are now creating models that will hopefully account for this bias, and correct for such errors in the future, creating a much more accurate future model. From this, we will hopefully be able to build a plan for our own future that involves the slowing, halting, or even reversal of climate change, without the risk of creating irreversible damage to the atmosphere.



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