Lightning Strikes Will More Than Double in Arctic With Rising Tempuratures.

    Back in 2019 a lightning strike had been spotted by one of the researchers in the artic. Up until this point this phenomenon had been unheard of as lighting in the artic is such a rare occurrence. With the use of satellite data researchers can estimate the amount of lightning strikes in the artic increasing by 100%. This discovery lead researchers to calculating the amount of lighting strikes in the area in the past. 2015 in particular was a year with record breaking amount of forest fires with lightning strike found to be causing some of these fires. With the changing climate scientists believe that if temperature continue to rise and lighting strikes continues or increase forest fires there could be big problems. Some consist of: burning ground brush allowing more trees to grow and trap more of the suns heat, fires burning away initial ground moss and beginning to defrost the permafrost of the soil in many areas of the arctic that store greenhouse gasses.

    The issues are very important for the environment as the warming of the arctic means the melting of glaciers and the rising of sea levels. With the amount of pollution the modern world is producing there is no way to stop these environmental problems. If we can't stop these corporations from destroying the environment our future is completely unknown. Sure we all can help, but what does our help matter if big business continues to dump pollutants at an immense rate. Environmental damage needs to be regulated to a higher degree. If not these stories of changing environments will continues and the environment will be change beyond recovery.



  1. This is definitely a problem, & not surprising due to all of the other climate-related issues we've been seeing in the past couple of years. Not only is this concerning because it's another sign that we're ruining the environment, it also seems like it could have much worse consequences than a lot of other new problems. If lightning keeps striking frequently in unusual places, we're going to have too many fires to keep up with. Lots of species are going to lose their habitats to the fires, & human populations will also be affected.

  2. Cutting back on pollution will benefit multiple problems happening in the environment. Forest fires are a natural and healthy part of the environment, but excessive burning is not good. Big businesses produce so much pollution that, if it is not properly disposed of, it will have greater effect.

  3. The Arctic is a very important biome that we need here on earth and people are just destroying it. Lightning and wildfires are a very bad sign in the Arctic because those occurrences are mainly linked to hot and warm air. If large corporations and other people like ourselves don't cut down on polluting activities, this could turn into a much larger problem for the surrounding environments as well.

  4. if we could get rid of all the pollutants, there wouldn't be so many environmental problems. the earth is warming up and we don't really know what to do. We need to change our habits to take care of earth.


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