
Showing posts from August, 2019

Drive Less

Driving has created a significant change in our environment due to the extreme amount of carbon dioxide being released.  However, we cannot completely eliminate driving as a whole especially since most people don't live in walking or biking distance.  Some things that were stated in the article was having the ability to carpool or use public transportation.  We don't exactly have the ability to use public transportation, but offering rides can make a difference.

Climate change made 2019 European heat wave worse

According to an international team of scientists climate change was responsible for the heat wave that spanned Europe in June 2019.  Climate change made this heat wave five times more likely than normal and temperatures reached 114.6 degrees Fahrenheit in France which is a record breaking temperature.  This is important because it shows how global warming could be a real thing affecting humans on Earth.  If we do not change at least something in the way we live these temperatures could continue to increase and effect not only humans but also all other living creatures on Earth.  

A Nuclear Winter Could Last Years After All-Out War Between Russia And The US

 " A Nuclear Winter Could Last Years After All-Out War Between Russia And The US " , this article describes how an all-out nuclear war between Russia and the US would effect Earth as a hole permanently. The article says that if the bombs where to fall that the blast would launch smoke from the blast high in to the stratosphere. Which in turn, would severely damage or punch a hole through this atmospheric layer releasing ultraviolet radiation. Also the smoke created may cause their to be a "Nuclear Winter" which would be caused by the smoke blocking out the sun for several months if not years. This would cause most organic life on Earth's surface to parish due to extreme temperatures or starvation.                                                     Link To Nuclear War Induced Winter Article                ...

Intense Wildfires Can Punch Through Ozone

The article states examples of how the large forest fires especially those recently found in North America have been effecting the Ozone layer of the atmosphere. The article goes in detail about how the constant layering of the smoke from the large fires, that rise high into that atmosphere get trapped below the ozone and then causes damage. This could have world altering effects on the environment and could possibly cause such events as a nuclear winter. Overall the effects that these phenomenons could continue to have on the environment could be life ending if serve enough. Even currently as the Amazon burns, the smoke plums continue to rise into the atmosphere continuing the clog. These effects as mentioned in the article could cause a nuclear winter, which would kill most of the life on the planet. This along with possible events such as the eruption of Yellowstone National Park could be seriously detrimental to possible future inhabitants in the future.   https://www.scie...

Australia Says Great Barrier Reef Has 'Very Poor' Outlook, Climate Change To Blame

A report done in 2014 by the Australian federal government has been compared to today and shows a decline in the condition of the Great Barrier Reef. The threats to the reef are the same as they were back in 2014 as they are now. The only difference is that climate change is the biggest threat out of fishing, runoff the land, and pollution. Coral reefs are extremely sensitive to warm temperatures. And climate change is accelerating the rate at which the sea temperatures are rising, causing extreme algae growth. The newest report states by 2030 the reef will look more dull with less fish/life in the reef while accelerating algae growth. And that the reef will experience heatwaves along with major loss of the seagrass that surrounds the Great Barrier Reef. The report also states that if we change our ways now the reef will be able to possibly recover, but the changes need to be now to save it in the future.

Hurricanes Apparently Influence Spider Aggression

Essentially, scientists believe that extreme weather, such as hurricanes (like Hurricane Dorian), can affect the behavioral patterns seen in colonies of tangle-web spiders. Johnathan Pruitt decided that he wanted to understand this matter and began conducting an experiment. He found that more aggressive colonies produced more babies in areas affected by hurricanes, while more docile colonies procreated more in areas that were not affected by said storms. Honestly, when I saw the title of the article, I thought this was a joke. I am pleasantly surprised to learn that weather affects arachnids in some of the same ways as other animals; the thought just never seemed to cross my mind that they have to adapt to harsh weather conditions too. I think this article was important because it allows us to understand what types of behaviors in these spider colonies will allow them to survive depending on the weather with which their colony resides; unless you don't care about spiders, then th...

Algae Can Poison Your Dog

There have been many reports of dogs dying after swimming in ponds or lakes across the US due to a poisonous algae blooming in bodies of water. The algae is called Cyanobacteria and has a blue-green color. The algae blooms during the warmer months, so there's more cases then. The algae can affect humans and other animals too, but the reactions are much less severe. Dogs are most susceptible because they can easily ingest the toxin while in the water. I think it's important for people to know about possible dangers to their pets in the environment and take precautions to protect them. Polluting the streams with fertilizer from rainwater runoff is causing a growth of the algae, so I believe more precautions should be taken to avoid this. We should be doing more to prevent the environment from becoming more polluted so that we can have a stable and safe place to live. tion=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=...

Canadian Lakes still have traces of dangerous pesticide decades later

In the 70's, planes dropped the DDT pesticide, which is now banned, in an effort to combat spruce budworm outbreaks in New Brunswick, Canada. Now decades later, researchers have found traces of the pesticide in some mud samples taken near lakers in the province. While not harmful to humans at the levels found, it is still jarring to think that nearly 50 years later a banned substance could still be found in the environment. link-

How the world’s dirtiest industries have learned to pollute our politics

Summary: As the effects of climate change continue to manifest (just look at the wildfires raging from Alaska, to Serbia, to the Amazon Rainforest), governments across the world still stand in support of industries and corporations responsible for the majority of the consequential environmental changes, despite democratic and scientific consensus against doing so. Each year five trillion dollars are spent by governments on fossil fuel subsidies and the United States spends 10 times more on the stated subsidies than on its education budget. Not only is money being pumped into these industries, but governments are also protecting them from civil protests. For example, 18 US states have put bills forwards which outlaw democratic protests of pipelines. Environmental protest has also been framed as extremism in many nations across the world. This is primarily due to the faction of lobbyists which represent the most environmentally unclean industries. Response: It is clear that the respons...

The Destructive Amazon Fires Do Not Threaten Earths Oxygen

Although many people believe that the Amazon fires threaten Earths oxygen supply that is in fact not true. The new Brazilian President pledged in his campaign to reduce environment protection, which he has indeed done. The Amazon fires were started as a way to clear the forest so that agricultural development could be increased. In the process of the clearing of the forest thousands of plant and animal habitats were destroyed, along with an abundance of wood and carbon that is essential to the climate crisis. The Amazon fire is a great lose for our worlds environment. Even though the Amazon fires will greatly harm many parts the environment, they will will not threaten Earths oxygen supply. The claim was he the Amazon produces 20% of the Earths oxygen, but this is a misunderstanding! The truth is that nearly all of Earths oxygen comes from the oceans, and we will have enough to last millions of years. For this to happen the organic matter that plants produce must be removed from cir...

Prosecco production takes a toll on northeast Italy's environment

The sparkling wine prosecco is responsible for the erosion of about 880 million pounds of soil in northeast Italy. This industry is responsible for 74 percent the regions erosion and could jeopardize the future vineyards. For each bottle of prosecco, about 10 pounds of soil is eroded away from the region. Scientists say that leaving grass or shrubs in between rows of the vineyards could cut the erosion in half. If this problem persists, it could mean the end for any vineyards in the region. This problem could very easily be fixed. I feel that vineyard owners should need to leave grass and shrubs in between the rows of vineyards. This would drastically decrease the amount of solid eroded away and would most likely solve the problem at hand.

Workers at Big Government Lab Sue Over Exposure to a Toxic Chemical

Workers at Brookhaven National Laboratory are currently suing their superiors for exposure to TCE, a chemical the maintenance crew was directed to use.  This chemical is known to cause cancer and is currently being deregulated by the Trump administration.  Workers exposed to TCE are now suing the Department of Energy for this overexposure.  This is a rarity because the majority of cases of overexposure are normally settled through worker's compensation and a lawsuit on the Department of energy could mean a change for more regulation and safety precautions on the chemical.  This could additionally have a positive effect on the environment because factories which dump TCE could be held responsible for the pollution of groundwater it seeps into.  I believe that there are upsides and downsides to any kind of situation like this, but in my opinion increased regulation or outright banning of TCE is the best decision.  While safer chemicals might be more expensiv...

Climate Changes Nae Naes Greenland Digsites

The article details examples on how the current heating of Earth is impacting arctic dig sites in Greenland. In northern Greenland scientists have been uncovering and studying several well-preserved mummies and artifacts in an attempt to study ancient humanity. All these subjects have remained so well preserved due to being frozen in ice in the northern countryside. However, as the Earth heats due to global warming scientists are becoming fearful that the artifacts, especially the mummies are going to begin to rapidly decompose, and that their scientific benefits will be lost to time. In reality while it is unfortunate that a fair bit of history will be lost to the heating of Earth, there is unfortunately nothing we can do about it. Cases like these where we could possibly be losing incredibly valuable information to climate change is just another fantastic example as to why we should be taking much better care of our Earth. The Earth has been deteriorating for quite some time now an...

Climate Change

By the year 2100, our climate will have gone through drastic changes, threatening our existence.  Including the issues we have today with wildfires, scarce water resources, and declining crop yields, the world's climate will have a warming pattern of  3 °C .  Along with this change, ocean levels will rise 2 to 3 meters by 2100 as well as a shortage of water in drier regions.  Because of these changes, people will have to relocate to areas that can provide them with what they need if they do not have water or temperatures suitable for growing crops.  I believe that if the Earth continues to take on these drastic climate changes, the human species will not be able to thrive and exist for much longer.  

PA Game Commision Recomends Deer Feeding Ban

A council in the PA Game Commission is recommending a state wide ban on people feeding deer. There are many reasons for this but the main one is to prevent the spread if diseases such as west Nile virus, chronic wasting disease and other insect borne diseases. I find interest in this because I personally feed deer in hopes of drawing them to specific places. however I never put any thought into the hazards of doing so.

Massive raft of volcanic rock is drifting toward Australia

The huge raft of volcanic rock heading for Australia, could be a good thing. As it makes its way to Australia, aquatic plants and animals would populate on porous parts of the rock. Upon its nearing and or arrival at Australia, when it disperses, the aquatic life will help build up the Great Barrier Reef.

A Algae, That Can Kill Dogs, is Growing Because of Climate Change

These blooms of algae which had appeared in New Jersey’s largest lake, and some other places, have now recently been discovered in 3 New York parks. These blooms contain a toxic bacteria which grows in warmth, on sunny days, and from nutrients nearby, before they wash away during rainstorms into bodies of water. It has been spotted more frequently do to the excessive rainfall, which has been connected to climate change.One of the parks that contained some of this algae was Prospect Park, more specifically the Prospect Park Dog Beach, in Brooklyn, which continues to remain open. This bacteria can cause rashes, neurological problems, liver damage, respiratory paralysis, or collapse and die suddenly if swallowed. This is just another one of climate change’s negative effects on the environment. Click Here to read more Climate change has been a topic of discussion for a while, whether one believes in it or not. The article adds the fact that these tests for the algae have gone on for a...

Forest Fires do not threaten the amount of oxygen we have

When people claim that forest fires and such decrease the amount of oxygen we have, it is actually not true.The oceans supply us with oxygen that will last millions of years. There are many things to worry about when it comes to forest fires, but loss of oxygen is not one.

Abnormal Weather Conditions May Lead to Poor Corn

States located in the "Corn Belt" of America were met with inconsistent weather patterns this year that may result in poor corn. During the planting season, the midwest was hit with more rain than usual, pushing planting all the way back to June. With crops bring planted a month later than usual, they may not mature completely before the first frost of October. Immature corn has a greater chance of carrying agricultural diseases, making them unsafe for consumption. Experts say that was long as weather conditions are normal for the next few months, the corn should mature before first frost, however, if the weather acts abnormally again, there may be a shortage of safe corn after harvest resulting in a lot of financial issues for farmers relying on their corn. Disease and effects on crops I found this website interesting, because it talked about what weather conditions occurred, the potential outcomes, and the implications that an abnormal weather climate can have on crops....

Trump's Administration's Actions Taken in Response to Heat Stroke Deaths Being on the Rise

At large, it seems as if heat stroke deaths are recently occurring across the whole world, fairly frequently. The causation of these deaths most likely being linked to climate change, due to the scorching temperatures in areas, as an effect of human-caused global warming. Therefore, it is clear that we are in need of a solution. However, due to a current call by Trump's administration, regarding the closure of the climate program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this has shut out an opportune path to a possible solution. Luckily, it is evident that the director of this once existent program, Dr. George Luber, while now being restricted to working at his home on other things unrelated to the program for a government job, is still trying his best to save the program. As Climate Change Creates a True Public Health Emergency, Trump Administration Quashes Federal Climate Program and Exiles its Director With climate change being a big topic of debate at the mo...

Earth's Oxygen is not affected by Amazon fires...

Although any destructive wild fire is dangerous and poses many concerns, lack of oxygen on Earth is not one of those concerns. Earth's supply of oxygen originated from the ocean. Half of the Earths oxygen comes from tiny plankton in the ocean. Link to the Amazon fire This article seems like a whole justification of why the fire was started. If the fire does not affect the oxygen, then what about the rest of Earth's atmosphere?

What's Killing California's Sea Otters

Sea Otters in California have been suffering from a parasite that either kills them or leaves them paralyzed, to die a slow and painful death such as being hit by a boat or attacked by a shark. The parasite is called Toxoplasma. Scientists did further research to find a way to prevent sea otters from being exposed to the parasite and they discovered that Toxoplasma is the product of domestic cats eating small birds and rodents which were already hosting the parasite. The feces of the housecats are cleaned up and flushed down the toilet and end up at waste treatment plants but the problem is that Toxoplasma isn't always cleaned out of the water and can make its way directly into the Ocean. Overall, I enjoyed reading the article and thought it was a very interesting and prevalent problem that I wasn't even aware was happening prior to reading the article. I think the author could have further explain...

Alaska Reels During Summer of Fire, Heat and Floods

Alaska is starting to see evidence of climate change. Wildfires are burning all across the state which is causing for unhealthy air quality for the residents of Alaska. Ocean levels are also rising all along Alaska's coastline. There is not as much sea ice as there once was which causes for more erosion and flooding in towns. These impacts of climate change will soon start affecting people in the lower 48 that leave near coastlines and dry areas. My reaction to the article is that if we keep going on the path that we are headed Earth is going to be destroyed. Eventually these issues will keep moving south and effecting southern states which could cause major issues.

How climate change is connected to hurricanes

Hurricane Dorain is expected to hit the central east coast of Florida on Monday night.  It is recorded as a Category 4 hurricane with wind speeds up to 130 mph. This storm is hard to predict because of its size, and place in the ocean, meaning it could weaken or change directions.  Experts are expecting the storm to linger over Florida for 24 hours.  If this happens there will be immense flooding.  The flooding, on top of the extreme winds, will cause a lots of damage. Scientists say that warming water can cause hurricanes to be slower and more likely to cause major flooding. I thought this article could have had more information about the connection between hurricanes and climate change. There was lots on the on the hurricane on itself and I think it would be more interesting if there was a little more description on the climate change connection. 

Climate Change is Destroying History

As climate change worsens, archaeology sites in Greenland are starting to be destroyed. Many settlements from the Viking era are rotting away due to the Arctic warming up. With this, we lose lots of history such as, bones, hair and leathers. This is very important because we are losing many pieces of Viking history and if it continues to worsen, then the generations to come will not get to learn about these places. Archaeologists are trying their best to preserve what they can from the sites, but it is impossible to do so in such a short amount of time. Within the next 30 years, 35% of the material at Viking sites will be lost. Everybody needs to come together to stop climate change, before it destroys more history or even us.

The Great Barrier Reef

The coral living in The Great Barrier Reef has been loosing its colors and dying over the last few years because of many different things like pollution, pesticides, and climate change, but the biggest reason why is because of warmer water temperatures. The coral eats the algae that grows on them but because of the rising water temperatures the algae is dying which is slowly killing the coral. Since The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage Area loosing all the coral in it would be a great loss to the other marine life living there.

Amazon Fires Effects the Ecosystem

The Amazon fires are posing a serious threat for endangered species and the animals that are living in the rain forest because they have not adapted to ecosystems where fires are a commonplace. Mammals and bird species have been displaced with nowhere to go or anything to eat now that the trees are hollow will cause a reduction in birds, primates, and the animals that feed on them. The fires not only effect the terrestrial animals with over 3,000 aquatic species the fires will cause drastic water temperate and water chemistry changes. When the vegetation that provides the shade is gone the plants that don't experience increased sunlight levels will cause a significant change in the environment changing the entire base of the food chain. 80% of trees in the Amazon are dependent on the animals for their regrowth through seed dispersal and if they don't have the animals the whole food chain will suffer and the ecosystem will change due to their being no food or shelter for the ani...

The Effects of Movies on the Environment

Recently, research has been done to show that watching movies may have a larger negative effect on the environment than we think. It may be obvious that using a car to go and rent a physical copy of a movie would take more energy than renting a movie by streaming it online. Although, streaming online isn't much better. Streaming actually uses as much energy as a 10 watt light bulb running for just over a week. Either a new method of watching movies is needed to lower the crazy amounts of energy we are using every day, or the amount of movies watched needs to be lowered in one way or another. If this large amount of energy continues to be used everyday, the earth may become screwed even quicker than we expected. Click Here to Read the Article Here is an image showing how each viewing method uses energy:

"Forests" of seaweed can help climate change

Oceanic "fireproof" jungles are helping fight back against climate change with fast growing kelp and other carbon absorbing underwater plant life. Scientists have found that seaweed possesses properties that make it possible for the plant to soak up carbon and halt harmful processes from occurring, such as deoxygenation. Scientists are looking into aquatic plants and what other miraculous properties they possess as to help reduce the effects of climate change and produce more oxygen to replace what is lost from the Amazon. Approximately 18.5 million square miles of the ocean have been deemed suitable for growing seaweed and scientists believe that once the tools to harvest seaweed and other deep sea botany, climate change could be looking at a new competitor. Unfortunately, the carbon market is not looking into seaweed as it does not hold a high enough profit for the company. Scientists and botanist are continuing to look into the properties of seaweed and what it could pot...

Arctic Islands Appear As Glaciers Melt// August

            In 2016, the Russian military conducted a search of the Arctic off the coast of Moscow. They found five island that appeared due to glacier melting. They recently released the news of the islands, after conducting research about them and realizing that the glaciers melted due to global warming because the Earth's average temperatures are rising with time.         While the discovery of new islands is exciting and new, it is not worth the damage the climate change is inflicting on our environment. If humans do not reduce their greenhouse gas production, the entire arctic ecosystem will fail to exist. Also, the rising oceans, temperatures, and lower oxygen levels are truly something that the entire world should be concerned about. More people need to realize that climate change doesn't just effect the oceans and arctic alone, but our entire world and the air we breath.             ...

Marriott hotels heavily reduces plastic usage.

The largest hotel chain in the world, Marriott, has promised to reduce plastic waste by replacing the tiny disposable toiletry bottles with larger ones which are to be recycled after. The large bottles contain about 11 times the amount of bath gel, shampoo, or conditioner compared to the smaller bottles. They estimate this will cause a 30% annual reduction of plastic usage.

Amazon Wildfires is it affecting Earth's oxygen supply?

             It's been all over the news and social media are the Amazon wildfires truly destroying Earth's oxygen supply? Not even the slightest bit,most of the oxygen is produced through photosynthesis one third of land oxygen is produced by tropical forest. A small amount of oxygen is produced in the ocean due to algae feeding on organic matter causing the matter to fall down to the sea floor. since the algae that is alive produces the smallest amount releasing it into the atmosphere. According to scientist we have plenty of oxygen in the atmosphere to last for millions of years to come. All in all the Amazon wildfires don't threaten the oxygen levels in the atmosphere.

Reducing CO2 in China to Save US Lives

Air pollution goes beyond national boundaries. According to Chinese studies, 55,000-94,000 premature deaths could be prevented by China's decision to reduce emissions starting in 2030. Sixty percent of these premature deaths are said to be caused by PM2.5, a tiny particle inhaled into the human body. Being that China emits the most CO2 in the world, this could be a major step in reducing the amount of pollutants released in the atmosphere. Neighboring countries to China would be receiving less deadly air pollution, as well. This decision could possibly inspire other countries to assist China in cutting down their emissions and possibly do so in their own country. Click here for more information!

Vodka of Chernobyl

For the first time since 1986 a product will be produced in Chernobyl. After the accident in 1986, the area was deemed dangerous for habitation and growing crops. After 33 years the first crop of grain was harvested and an aquifer near Chernobyl was used to produced vodka. Distillation removed any contaminants in the grain. Branded as "Atomik" the vodka is radiation free and safe to consume. This development I believe will usher in a new era for Chernobyl and the surrounding inhabitants. If the product sells well, other companies may use the publicity of Chernobyl to promote their products. I ponder though whether Chernobyl, if agriculture grows, will be deemed safe to live in. More agricultural products may be produced in Chernobyl in the future. For those living in the Zone of Obligatory Resettlement may be able to pick up where they left off with their lives in and around Chernobyl.  Atomik Vodka
The plastic problem in our ocean is a very big issue currently. The government and the people are trying to prevent plastic in the oceans because it is hurting the environment. Animals are dying due to the consumption of plastic waste, but the plastic we see floating on the surface may just be the tip of the iceberg.  Divers have spotted plastic bags and candy wrappers as deep as the Mariana Trench. This is becoming a huge problem that will have major ramifications if we do not do something about it soon. This will kill more than just turtles. This will effect entire ecosystems. Not to mention we will be swimming in plastic. The evidence is all over the place, scientist have actually found plastic in guts  of 24 pelagic red crabs and eight mucus filters from  giant larvaceans. This needs to stop and it starts with us.

California Beaches are Losing Their Biodiversity

Many of the beaches in California, almost one third of the coastline, are being destroyed by humans.  The need to keep these beaches "pretty" has caused a lack in the amount of sea animals found in this ecosystem.  Their homes on the natural dunes and plant food have been completely destroyed by the "need" for beaches to be flat and more attractive for tourists.  These changes cause serious issues in the balance of the ecosystem, and could lead to extinction of these animals and plants in California.  The ever-changing ecosystem should not be controlled by man, but should be able to live peacefully without interruption from humans.  If this issue keeps occurring, these animals might not be able to live in their natural state anymore.  Ways to counteract this issue is to make only one section of the beach open to people, so the animals can continue to live a normal life.
In this article the forest fires affecting the Amazon rain forest in Brazil is being discussed from the standpoint of oxygen loss from the air everyone in the world breathes. The Amazon Rain forest provides the world with 20% of all oxygen that's in the air all people breathe. What many people are unaware of is that the majority of the oxygen we all breath comes from plants in beneath the surface of the ocean. The highest amounts of oxygen coming from the ocean is from large algae patches that grow on the surface of the ocean. According to the author there will be plenty of oxygen for millions of year just from oxygen produces from ocean plant life. This is a very interesting article as most people think that trees and plants on land are the only organisms that produce oxygen. With this information maybe people should focus more on keeping the oceans clean so plants ca...

why i think things are funny.

I like the letter  æ   Wow  æ hahahaha thats funny i think. Okay.  Update.  i found an even funnier letter.  Get this one.. .  Å“. Laughing out loud!!

Welcome Back- Now is the time to do something!!!

Hope everyone had a great summer-  I like to post articles here & on the AP section of the library web site.  Come chat if you are looking for good places to find articles. Remember the TVA  (think New Deal) from ninth grade Social Studies?  They are still around, but are not as good as they used to be... When work can kill you....

Amazon Rainforest Fires Won't make a Difference

Recently, reports of wildfires in the Amazon Rainforest have struck the world with concern about important ecosystems and breathable oxygen. Although deforestation has dropped 80%, it has re-surged in recent years. These forests contain endangered and rare populations including indigenous peoples. Although worry is high, the estimation that the rain forest produces 20% of oxygen is a misunderstanding. Most oxygen came from the oceans and there is certainly enough to support us until the regrowth of the forest. Overall, this change doesn't really make a difference in the oxygen content in the atmosphere in terms of the near future. I am very happy to see an article like this because ever since this started, I found it ridiculous that nobody mentioned the fact that it will all grow back, and this isn't as bad as the media portrays. For the length of time that the Earth has been around, according to science, surely the rainforest would have burned before and grown back. It is al...
New steps are being made to solar energy, so that solar fields can now not only produce energy, but now purify water straight from the sea. This could be a huge step in the right direction to meet the water needs of the world, while also allowing for useful energy to be made. It works by not only making energy from the sunlight, but also adsorbs some of the heat and stores it to be able to purify water. Once the water evaporates it leaves the salt behind and can be collected as drinking water. This system could potentially be a big part of our energy consumption, being that it also is helping the water problem.