Climate Changes Nae Naes Greenland Digsites

The article details examples on how the current heating of Earth is impacting arctic dig sites in Greenland. In northern Greenland scientists have been uncovering and studying several well-preserved mummies and artifacts in an attempt to study ancient humanity. All these subjects have remained so well preserved due to being frozen in ice in the northern countryside. However, as the Earth heats due to global warming scientists are becoming fearful that the artifacts, especially the mummies are going to begin to rapidly decompose, and that their scientific benefits will be lost to time.

In reality while it is unfortunate that a fair bit of history will be lost to the heating of Earth, there is unfortunately nothing we can do about it. Cases like these where we could possibly be losing incredibly valuable information to climate change is just another fantastic example as to why we should be taking much better care of our Earth. The Earth has been deteriorating for quite some time now and only when valuable things like this could be lost does anyone start to take notice. It's a bit more infuriating than it is sad because most of this could have been avoided, or at least slowed, had we taken the affects somethings like 10,000,000 some odd factories would have in the world maybe this could have been avoided. \(._.)/


  1. I strongly agree with this statement, think it is very unfortunate that these artifacts are being lost do to climate change. This really shows the adverse effects that climate change has on our world. I think we need to do more to preserve these artifacts and slow down climate change, otherwise precious artifacts like these will be lost along with their potential for scientific research.

  2. You said that although it is unfortunate that these relics are being lost, there is nothing we can do to stop their destruction. While you are right, no one in the world can stop their destruction or the destruction of pieces of history across the world due to the irreversible effects of global warming, at the very least the people responsible for this can be held accountable. It would be asinine to think that the people running those "10,000,000 some odd factories" you talk about had no idea of the disastrous consequences of climate change, when papers were being written on the very mechanics over 80 years ago. If I'm caught littering, I get a fine, right? What about the corporations that are known to release incredibly harmful gases on an immense scale? At the very most they get a slap on the wrist and go back to clubbing baby seals. This dual standard puts the blame of climate change on you and I. I get it, cars and plastic straws aren't great for the environment, but if you are telling me that its more important to fight those relatively minor pollutants in comparison to corporations, who cause over 70% of global emissions (, I'd say that you're a bit crazy. Even if the responsible corporations can't be held responsible for the destruction of the fossils you are talking about they need to be fought for the sake of our own future. The system we live in is utterly unsustainable, and these rapid and catastrophic environmental changes are clearly indicative of that.

  3. While I agree that we should be angry at the state of the Earth, and that climate change will wipe away history due to the heating up of the world, I think that if we really tried, we could be given a greater chance, even a small one, at holding off the destruction. People are trying everyday to save this environment and if there were more people listening to and working with them. However, seeing big corporations continue to harm the environment because of their greed, when soon the money won't even matter anymore, and how much of a struggle it still is to get people to act or even care for the environment, makes you feel hopeless and forced to accept the destruction yet to come.


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