Covid Life Expectancy.

     Research has shown that the Covid-19 pandemic may actually result in the shortening of life expectancy. For blacks, this reduction is ~2 years to 72, for Latinos, ~3 years to 78, and for whites ~0.6 years to 77. The last time a drop in life expectancy this drastic occurred was during the 1918 influenza pandemic, in which it dropped 7-12 years. A majority of the change occurring now is largely thought to be as a result of living conditions, and as mortality rates seem to rise, it is predicted that this drop in life expectancy may continue. 

To me, this is a bit scary, but I also feel like it is a bit untrustworthy as well. Data on Covid-19 has been largely skewed and so studies based on this data may ultimately be flawed in one way or another. Of course, the thought of a lowered life expectancy is a bit scary as well, but that just gives you more reason to make the change to healthier life habits. 



  1. This is an interesting yet scary fact that many will hopefully understand as the USA's mitigation efforts for the disease is very poor. Many individuals don't even believe in the disease and many others think we should move on with our lives and pretend it doesn't exist.

  2. This is crazy, but it's not a huge drop. I didn't know that the influenza pandemic dropped people life expectency 7-12 years that's a huge drop, and really takes good years off peoples life. I agree with the untrustworthy data scheme, and I also believe that data has been contourted.

  3. This is surprising to me since I never considered that this would be an affect of COVID. It's just another reason that people should be more careful & conscious of the virus during everyday life. The sooner we can manage COVID & decrease, the spread of it, the sooner extra problems like this can be fixed.

  4. This does worry me about how long the people here now have left to live and if the shortening of life expectancy could continue throughout our lives onto future generations. A drop around 2 years isn't too concerning however 7-12 is, and we don't want another drop that big or possible larger. So the sooner we get COVID under control the better.

  5. This is very worrisome and surprising to me because I never even considered this an outcome of covid. I feel like we are all focusing on what will happen in the next two weeks in covid news but not focusing on the long run. Which is most likely the reason myself, and most likely others, were shocked by this news. I don't know weather it is reliable data yet but we shall see.

  6. Like the comments above, this wasn't an aspect that even crossed my mind throughout this whole pandemic which is pretty scary because it could be very real and it could be very serious as well. It's even scarier that the longer this pandemic goes on, the more those numbers could drop.


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