The bottom of the ocean is sinking

Recently, due to glaciers and melting ice sheets, it is causing more water to be in our oceans, which does not seem like a big deal. However, it is causing the seafloor to be pushed down and is sinking lower and lower. Hurricane Harvey cause the seafloor to drop 2 cm due to all the water that resulting from the storm. This is happening due to the elasticity in the earth's crust. Scientists are concluding from regional patterns that they see is that the ocean floor may be more stretched out than they know; it could be as much as 20 mm. Also, it has been discovered that the sea levels have increased by 8%, which contributes to the drop in the ocean floor.


  1. I did my article on this topic as well. I found this article very interesting! The one question I have is what happens if the ocean floor sinks to much?

  2. This is a very interesting article. Along with Becca's question, I also wonder what does this mean for areas surrounded by the oceans?

  3. I find it interesting that the sea levels are still consistently rising while the ocean floor is 'sinking' and expanding. Where is all this water coming from and why can't we do something about it?


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