2017 Was One of the Hottest Years on Record. And That Was Without El Niño.

2017 Was One of the Hottest Years on
Record. And That Was Without El Niño.

Throughout the years, the temperature of the overall planet has been relatively similar to growing shortly, but as seen through the graph pictured in the article, 2017 was one of the hottest. 2017 was a time where I feel environmental issues got pushed aside, when they should have been attacked head-on. I mean, even without El Nino, it was still the hottest year among others. Maybe the new years revolution of all people should be to help the environment a little more and realize that temperature are rising. This doesn't mean a better summer tan; it means glaciers melting and our home on earth falling apart. 


  1. Wow, knew I'd find a fake NASA temperature graph on an NY Times climate article. Either way, even as someone who doesn't exactly agree with AGW, I can't deny the rather warm temperatures of Earth. What I find so striking, however, is the denial that the world flourishes in warm climate cycles. You can go back to the Medieval Warm Period and the Holocene Climate Optimum to see that past human civilizations flourished in warmer periods, periods warmer than the current climate. The difference now is simply the higher population of humans in the world. However, it's just a matter of time before the next "little ice age", similar to the one that followed the Medieval Warm Period, due to changing solar activity.

  2. Is the graph itself from NASA or the data? And are you saying that the data itself is incorrect? SUCKS, but not necessarily surprising.


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