Climate Change Wiped out Marsupial Lion

Luca Jordache

This is an interesting post because it shows that animals who aren't directly being affected by something will still face some sort of consequences. In this case the lions were in Australia and hunting prey that was going extinct due to climate change, leading to the death of all the Marsupial lions because they ran out of food.
I thought this was really cool because it shows that there is always more to something than you think just like the tip of an iceberg.


  1. This is interesting to think about how big something could impact everything. And no one thinks about how it will impact the rest of the environment.

  2. it is a real shame that we never seem to take care of a problem before its way too late. I can only imagine how poorly we'll handle the situation when it is our heads on the chopping block.

  3. This is sad to think about because what did the animals do to deserve this. I think humans need to think about animals when making decisions as well

  4. Maybe the lions should've hunted a different prey before they died

  5. That lion has got some BIG MEATY CLAWS. Also, if it seems climate change was the cause for the Thylacoleo, then that means it has happened before and caused mass extinctions. So then why are there people who believe it isn't happening and can't happen again if it already has?

  6. It's hard to believe that something like climate change can really affect a species of animals. It is amazing to think that because of our actions on climate change, we lose animals on this planet. It goes to show that something needs to be done about climate change.

  7. I used to only think of ice bergs melting in the North Pole when I heard climate change, but this post just completely blew my mind. I didn't realize that ice bergs in Australia would case such an extinction like this one.


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