Study shows cryptocurrency use requires more energy than mining traditional metals

Scientist have concluded that mining one dollar worth of bitcoin requires 3x the amount of energy needed to mine for one dollar worth of gold. Other cryptos were examined, but yet they still required more power. This is a big thing because it raises the question, if bitcoin becomes a big currency, are we willing to pay for the electricity to run it?


  1. interesting.. I didn't know you needed to mine bitcoin? Bitcoin will most likely never become our main form of currency, it is way too complicated to use for most people.

  2. I agree, bitcoin most likely will never become our main currency.

  3. I believe that capitalistic America would want to change to this because the greedy electric companies want to make more money on whatever they can. If people pay more to use bitcoin, then the big businesses will be happy

  4. This is really neat to know that even if something doesn't physically exist it still comes with real world costs and will never become the standard currency of the country .


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