Carbon Emissions Are On The Rise As Economy Recovers

 As the world begins its return towards normalcy the amount of carbon emissions are rising at a staggering rate. The quarantine that started almost a year ago caused shutdowns all over the world and brought many economies to a halt. During this time carbon emission dropped by 7%. This kind of emissions drop put the world on the right path towards net zero carbon emissions in 2050. Although as the economy opens back up the amount of carbon emissions is recovering towards its previous state. China is one of the worlds biggest greenhouse gas emitter and they say a 12% carbon emissions drop during their lockdown but now as their economy recovers they are emitting 5% more emissions than they were in previous years.

This article shows the absolute neglect the world has for the environment. The amount of carbon emissions reduced during lockdown is a great indicator of what is takes to work towards net zero emissions. If there would be work towards green energy to a degree large enough to make a difference many individual would participate and work for green products and energy sources. Losing all the emissions progress made in the shutdown is a huge environmental step backwards. 



  1. I find it very interesting how during the pandemic, the carbon emissions fall, obviously due to the inactivity of the economy and the people within each country, but then rise more afterwards. For China as an example within the article, the immediate rise from the normal rates suggests a possible danger for 2021 in terms of carbon emissions.


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