Solar Panels and Extreme Weather

During the recent loss of power in Texas because of the snow and cold weather, families with solar paneled houses and batteries maintained power. Their houses were used as safe houses for other people to warm up and shower. During extreme weather, solar panels become much more dependable because they aren't relying on the grid. Also using batteries to store energy is helpful when the sun isn't shining because of a storm. Also on a larger scale, extra solar energy could be stored on larger batteries that could be used to prevent blackouts like this.

I think this article is important because it shows that solar energy not only helps to reduce climate change, but protect people from the extreme weather that is already being caused by climate change. Why continue using unsuitable energy that is less reliant and more expensive. This article also shows solar energy expanding and being used in grids instead of just private.



  1. Solar energy is the future. More and more people are converting over to solar energy for problems just like this. Thousands suffered in Texas during this event and were left without water, power, and heat for days. Solar energy would allow for everyone to become independent and save the environment in one.

  2. This is neat because we don't always look at solar energy in this perspective, but in this very unexpected situation it was able to save a lot of people from a scarier result of the storm. I really hope that in our future, we go more green and invest in more solar products everywhere.


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