Planting Trees Can Help Fight Climate Change

 Planting trees is an efficient way to soak up carbon emissions. People are pushing for reforestation to help improve our climate. We would need to grow a lot of trees for them to be able to capture and store all the carbon dioxide. But the US isn't reaching there current goal. We have too little seedlings being planted right now. Studies show that tree nurseries would have to increase their production to at least 3 billion seedlings per year, doubling there current production.  The seedlings being produced now, are just replacing the trees being taken down due to deforestation. There are no additional trees being planted currently to help change the way our climate is. 

I think that planting trees is a great idea. Trees give us oxygen to breathe, so they would be useful for other things also. Planting trees is good for the environment in many ways. It gives us oxygen, gives food sources to animals, and a habitat to animals. Trees could be what helps save our environment, so I think we should do whatever it takes to plant more seeds.


  1. I think that planting trees would be great, as it adds to the scenery in an area all while helping to soak up carbon. It is also fairly simple, and is not extremely expensive like other proposed methods to reduce carbon.


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