One of the Largest Lakes in the World is Warming

     Lake Michigan, the 5th largest lake in the world, is warming deep under the surface of the water. After 30 years of monitoring, the lake has not changed much- but now, it is warming, almost seemingly out of nowhere. Ice is melting, and the organisms that live within the lake are being put under massive stress over the 'early' change in temperature, and the overall possibility of a greater temperature over the summer. 

    A lot of blame for this increase in temperature comes solely to climate change. The monitoring of this lake, as well as the creatures that live within are considerably essential in order to track not only the progress of climate change, but to also keep note of Lake Michigan itself, and to protect the creatures that dwell in the lake. This change signifies a great turning point for greenhouse gasses and climate change as a whole. This increase in temperature is important to note and keep in mind, moving into the future of pollution control and energy production.

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  1. Anytime something changes out of no where, something is most likely wrong, and this is a great example of that. Its not even that the water is just warming, it is the organisms that live in those waters. I 100% agree with you when we need to keep a note on this lake.

  2. I have been reading a bunch of blog posts and a lot of them, like this one, seem to have problems that lead to global warming. It's crazy how we can see climate changes in our lakes and water sources because they are getting warmer.


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