matter from wildfire smoke can be more harmful than pollution from other sources

University of California - San Diego. "Fine particulate matter from wildfire smoke more harmful than pollution from other sources: Researchers call for revisions to air-quality monitoring guidelines to consider the sources of emissions." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 March 2021. <>.

       Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego have been examining the data of hospital admissions from the past 14 years. They can conclude that the fine particles in wildfire smoke can be several times more harmful to the lungs of humans and other animals, than particles of matter from other sources, such as car exhaust or other gas appliances. While there have been many laboratory experiments, the new study confirms it at a population level. Wildfire smoke can penetrate the human respiratory tract and can enter the bloodstream or impair vital organs. To isolate wildfire-produced PM2.5 from other sources of particulate pollution, researchers defined exposure and are comparing it to the strong Santa Ana winds with fire upwind. 


  1. This is surprising to me since I would've assumed that man-made pollution would be more harmful due to all the chemicals we've created. But this just further shows that we need to be careful about how we use our resources so that we can try to prevent large wildfires. Unfortunately, I'm sure we'll have plenty more thanks to climate change, but we should do all we can to reduce damage for the sake of the environment & our lungs.


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