Air Pollution is Shortening Your Life. Here's How Much

In Egypt, air pollution cuts the average life span by 1.9 years, and in India air pollution cuts the average life span by 1.2 years. In the US the life span cut is a little less, but air pollution is still having an impact on us. This comes as Trump plans to replace Obama's Clean Power Plan, which aimed to use cleaner energy sources. This could lead to 1,400 premature deaths. It was found that cooking with wood, charcoal, or animal dung indoors is devastating and in South Asia is reduces the life expectancy by another 1.2 years. Despite all this, the world has made much progress to reduce air pollution and raise life expectancy in the past decades. I find it very scary that the Trump administration would reverse Obama's clean environment plan, and I want to know why he thinks this is a good idea.

Link: Air Pollution 


  1. This decision was probably made with the US economy in mind--less regulations means that it is cheaper to produce goods (and, therefore, more profitable). Not a good long-term strategy.

  2. I think the US government should be focusing more funding and research on environmental science geared towards reducing our nation's ecological footprint. Preventing irreversible damage on the environment is something that should be prioritized for the well being of future generations.

    1. I agree with you. This is a major problem that the United States needs to address before it is too late.


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