Life With No Males? These Termites Show That It’s Possible

"termites" known for destroying homes are actually establishing amazing things. BMC biology, scientist just discovered 4,200 female termites and not a single male, Termites and known to have a role in the society with the females but the males can be discarded from their society. One research showed that there were 76 colonies of termites 37 of the groups were asexual and female, while the rest were mixed. The asexual females store no sperm in their reproductive organs and lay unfertilized  eggs.


  1. This is a strange fact. I always thought termites were similar to bees and that there was one, or maybe two, females and a whole bunch of males in a colony

  2. This is very strange and something i did not know. I find it interesting that most of them reproduce asexually.

  3. I had no idea that female termites were more common than male termites. I always thought that there would have had to of been more males than females but if they produce asexually, it makes sense that there are not as many males because females are not relying on them.

  4. Include a reaction/discussion about the implications of this finding.

  5. It is very interesting that this is possible and that a good amount of them are asexual.

  6. I think this is very interesting. It's neat to know that they can do things on their own and can strive without any help.

  7. I thought there would be a lot more males than females. I figured the males would do most if not all the work and the females would reproduce similar to how bees and ants that work.


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