Mysterious Microbes Turning Polar Ice Pink, Speeding Up Melt

Algae has begin to form in Greenland and is turning the ice pink. Many think its a phenomena but is leading to ice continuing to melt. It is helping a lot to possibly melting one of the biggest frozen bodies of water in the world. Apparently this algae needs perfect conditions to grow and reproduce. And the environment in Greenland and parts of Antarctica are in perfect condition. With these Northern places melting this is where ice algae feasts. 

This is crazy and somewhat scary. This algae will help increase the bow fast the north melts. This will lead to increased danger of losing glaciers. On ice this algae will spread quickly leading to increased melting.
You can read the article below:


  1. Algae does need perfect conditions to reproduce, it can grow anywhere with these conditions. Usually its hot and sunny for the algae to grow.


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