Gene editing could eliminate mosquitoes, but is it a good idea?

"The African malaria mosquito is the most dangerous animal on earth," says Conor McMeniman, assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute. 2.7 million people die from mosquito-borne diseases every year. This is why researchers have used the gene editing tool called CRISPR to eliminate the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes with these mutated genes are not able to reproduce and cannot develop correctly. I think this is a precarious procedure. Killing all the mosquitoes could lead to dark days. On the other hand it would save many lives, and there would be no more mosquitoes so you can't complain. Tampering this much with the environment could be very helpful, or catastrophic. Either way I am excited to see humans really mess with the earth and see what happens. 


  1. I believe this is a good idea! This will most likely save many lives in the long run. One negative aspect is that many reptiles feed off of mosquitoes.

  2. nah man we shouldnt mess with this stuff


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