Whale Found With Plastic In Its Stomach


A whale in the Davao Gulf in the Philippines was discovered in extremely grave condition. The whale was undeniably going to die. Once the body of the whale was examined, it was discovered that it had over 88 pounds of plastic waste in its stomach. The immense amount of plastic inside of the whale was densely packed into it. In addition to this whale, many other marine animals have been found with stomachs full of plastic waste. The loss of this whale's life, and many other animals' lives, is devastating. This epidemic will only continue to grow if nobody takes action. If people were more conscious of how their everyday product usage can affect marine life, then maybe they would think twice before carrying out certain activities.


  1. It is extremely disappointing that the irresponsible disposal of human waste is killing creatures in their natural habitat. We are invading their home and leaving them with no where else to go. Events like this should serve as a call to action for research and implementation of alternative, eco-friendly waste disposal.

  2. It is sad knowing that we are killing innocent creatures with the trash we create. These animals were never meant to be able to withstand such conditions and many of them are dying due to humans. We need to begin to take more action before it is too late.


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