Hydroelectric Dam Threatens to Wipe Out World's Rarest Apits e


Tapanuli orangutans were only discovered in 2017 and are already facing extinction due to the threat of building a $1.6 billion hydroelectric power plant and dam in their habitat. Their species is confined to its remaining area in Sumatra, Indonesia. There are only 800 left and environmentalist groups are desperately trying to fight to save this rare animal and stop the construction of the power plant/dam. The company behind the project is North Sumatera Hydro Energy and they are attempting to blind the public to the real threat the plants construction will truly have on the orangutans.
Reading this article is incredibly disheartening and upsetting to see yet another species in danger at the hands of human greed. People need to start caring more about the environment and the animals that live within it or soon we will begin to see more negative effects of these selfish acts that are strictly for the purpose of profit and convenience.


  1. The rate at which a whole species can come and go is alarming. Even though I hope this does not happen, if the species were to go extinct from due to construction, it might spark change and awareness. It is disheartening that the only protection of the endangered species is coming from individual environmentalist groups.


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