Hermit crabs are drawn to the smell of their own dead

The scent of a dead hermit crab sets off other live hermit crabs who are in search of a new shell. As hermit crabs grow they need to move into new shells to accommodate their size. Since finding new shells on land is harder for land hermit crabs they have to use any methods necessary in finding a new shell, which is where the whole part about being drawn to other dead hermit crabs comes
from. Neat also kinda gross, but that's nature for you. It's every man for himself in the hermit crab world.



  1. Hermit crabs are savage, man. I guess it's due or die if you wanna survive in the wild.

  2. I've never thought about whether or not a crab can smell but this is very interesting. I agree that it is kinda gross, especially if they end up living in the shell that another crab died in. This was a strange adaptation that they must have developed over time to recognize the scent of dead hermit crabs. (although it probably isn't that hard)

  3. This is really gross but also really cool because hermit crabs can thrive off of each other. I think that it's pretty gross that they are attracted to each other's dead bodies, but if it is necessary for them to do that to survive then that is kinda cool.


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