Green space helps mental health

With experts saying that being around a green environment and being outside more gives adults up to a 55% decreased chance to develop various mental health disorders down the line as adults. The study is mainly for the childhood of children and connecting it to more time outside leading to more exercise, healthier eating and less depression. Research has shown that even though the air pollution and global warming effects are showing it could lead to a happier life down the road.

My response to this is that being outside and with nature is more beneficial then sitting inside at home.


  1. This is really cool to think that the environment you spend your childhood in can affect you for the rest of your life.

  2. I never would have thought of this but it makes complete sense. People that live in areas of poor air quality and pollution generally seem more angry/depressed when people that live in clean air areas tend to be happier and more active.

  3. This is so cool that going outside and not being trapped inside the house on your phone all day actually has benefits. I think it is important for kids to understand this.


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