Geneticists push for a 5-year global ban on gene-edited babies

Eighteen scientists, including two CRISPR researchers, want their to be a ban on gene-edited babies for five years.  The moratorium would allow a period of time for scientists to debate about how to proceed with the technology and for the general public to be educated.  The ban would not prohibit research of the technology, but edited embryos, eggs, or sperm, would not be allowed to be planted into a woman's womb. 

I believe the five year moratorium would be a good idea.  CRISPR, and other gene editing technology, could be very dangerous if not properly regulated.  I think it's wise of these scientists to step back and learn more about it before letting people get too carried away.  The ban would, temporarily perhaps, stop people from playing "God" and deciding what traits their future children would have or not have. 


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