Asian elephants may lose 42% of suitable habitat areas

Scientists from Spain, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Italy and Germany have worked together to research how human pressures and climate change have affected the asian elephants. They created scenarios using climate and land data projections for 2050 and 2070. All scenarios suggest that climate change and land use will pose threats for these elephants. The scientists are going to continue their research to see how they can help the elephants.

I find this really sad. Climate change is affecting everything on out earth, and no one seems to want to do anything about it. If these elephants go extinct, I wonder what animal will be next and how long it will take for humans to realize what is going on.


  1. i, too, find this unfortunate. i wish that we did more to preserve animal species and their habitats. we're causing the next extinction, and we should try to minimize that damage as much as possible

  2. We should do more to help preserve animal species.

  3. I think this is really sad and it makes me wonder if anybody has any solutions to the climate change problem but just does not think it's that big of a problem.

  4. This is very disappointing and more efforts need to be made in order to help save the elephants.


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