Fish Get Pooped Living in Polluted Waters

Fish get Pooped Living in Polluted Water

Fish’s bodies are being forced to work harder in able to survive because of the pollution being flushed into the waters. There are wastewater treatment plants but they can’t remove a lot of the common drugs that come from human’s bodies like birth control and depression meds. These drugs in the water cause the fishes effect the metabolism of the fish and them to have to use more energy to live and keep them at a non-rest state. I think this article is interesting because no one ever thinks that they are the causes of some pollution and death of the fish. It’s funny that we somewhat take advantage of the fish and fish them faster than they can reproduce, but at the same time we are also killing them if their body cant adjust. 


  1. With this much struggle why doesn't the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act step in and take action?

  2. I find this very interesting because some people needs certain medications in order to function normally like anti depressants. Are there any ways to get around the pollution that is ultimately killing these fish.


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