Smartphones could damage the Environment

Our cell phones are the best thing to be during our day in age. With the technology we have anything can be looked up in an instant or the sharing of a picture around the world. A study was released that our smartphones will be the most damaging technology to the environment by 2040.  To thing about this can actually seem scary, the environment is already damaged in our time how much more damaged can be done by 2020 or even 2040. How much more damage can be created by this time till people actually realize we are killing our only home for not only us, but our future generations.


  1. How will it be a damage? What affects will it have on us? Very interesting article.

  2. It's a shame that we haven't had enough information to be able to determine long term effects of new inventions that we've made, before we've handed them out to almost everyone on the planet. Hopefully with this information though we will be able to take action and fix the problem at hand, before it gets any worse.

  3. I do find this article interesting especially the fact that the smartphone motherboard cost a lot.

  4. If we are aware that our cell phones will be the most damaging technology by 2040 then we should try and come up with a conclusion or another way to communicate with less harm to the environment.

  5. I find it interesting how so many articles point things similar to this out, yet nobody is willing to give up their smartphones to prevent these effects from happening to the environment.

  6. We should try and come up with a conclusion to avoid the damage with the use of cell phones in 2040. If we can try can stop it before it happens we would be saving the planet from more damage.

  7. It's weird that we rely on our cell phones so much, yet it could hurt the environment. I believe we will come out with an alternate source of communication other than cell phones by 2040 however.


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