San Francisco's Airport is Sinking into the Bay- March Current Event

Research has concluded that the San Francisco International Airport is sinking at a quick rate. They are saying that in about 82 years, half of the runways could possibly be underwater if it keeps sinking at the rate it is. Many other surrounding places are expected to have the same outcome as well by 2100. "Trash Island," which is located between San Francisco and Oakland, is now sinking at a rate of 0.5 to 0.75 inches a year. This sinking along with flooding is all leading back to climate change which many scientists are still trying to solve to prevent events like this from occurring.


  1. I read a similar article sometime this year about how coastal communities are in danger of becoming submerged under water if ocean water keeps rising at the rate it is. However, I didn't know researchers were expecting this to happen within less than a century.

  2. I find this article very interesting. The fact that its going to sink by 2100 is alarming but my question is what if other place on Earth start to sink?

  3. After reading the article it really surprises me that the runways could be underwater in less than 100 years. Researchers need to come to more of a conclusion soon on how to fix this problem.

  4. This article is very cool because there are a lot of rumors going around that California is breaking apart. I didn't think flooding could cause this.

  5. I found this very interesting. This is the first time that I am hearing about this. I didn't know that climate change can effect something in this big of a way. This seems really bad for our environment as well as San Francisco and hopefully people are more caring so we can make it less likely of happening.

  6. It's somewhat shocking that the area could sink enough to submerge a large portion of the runways in less than a century. This is another reason as to why we need to come up with a plan to effectively reduce the impact of humans on the environment and prevent climate change.

  7. I find it very interesting that this is not something that is more advertised. Usually when something like this is happening in the environment it is well known by many people, however, this is the first I am hearing anything about it.

  8. Agreeing with what Bryn said, it is intriguing that this is not made more well known to the public. It should be made aware so that a solution may be found faster than it would be if the situation was kept quiet.

  9. I read a similar article and it is very scary that this will most likely occur in our child's life time and maybe even ours. I believe more researchers need to be put on this project to find a more definite conclusion and hopefully something that can prevent this.

  10. I was unaware of the details about this. I feel as if it should be more known. No one in school mentioned it or has said anything

  11. I wonder how/where the airport will go and if we let it go into the ocean, how will all of that pollution affect the ocean? This is very concerning because of the multiple negative affects it will have.


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