Wildfires are causing cooling

I found this post very interesting, it is kind of a scary thought. We have always been worried about forest fires burning down  and ruining  the environment. But, as it might cause cooling, I am interested to see what the long term effects will be. Will this smoke in the clouds hurt us in the future or cause some problems for people?



  1. I believe this is a good topic to be talking about. This is just another example of how Global Warming isn't just about the average temperature on Earth rising, but the actual fact of rapid changes of extremes. I hope this is addressed soon as global warming looks to be only getting worse from this point on if no action is taken.

  2. I found this very interesting. I learned about a lot of knew things that I did not know. I never knew tht wildfires may have benefits to our environment. I am very excited to see what happens in the future to see weather they are good or bad for the environment in the long run.

  3. This is actually kind of interesting because I didn't know that wildfires could possibly have a positive impact on our environment. I'd think it'd be pretty cool if they ended up being good for the environment.

  4. It's interesting how much greater the cooling effect of smoke from fire is (7 watts per square meter), as opposed to the greenhouse effect from daily human activities(1.66 watts per square meter). Depending on how the products of fire interact with aerosols already released in the atmosphere, this could be a significant help on the issue of climate change. I think it's kind of cool that both wildfires and those used to clear farmland could have a hidden positive effect on our environment.

  5. I've heard about some other studies that claim this "cooling" could even lead to a significant freezing (like a mini ice age), and I wonder if this is a positive or negative thing for our environment

  6. I've heard about some other studies that claim this "cooling" could even lead to a significant freezing (like a mini ice age), and I wonder if this is a positive or negative thing for our environment

  7. The reason the last ice age happened is because of so much smoke in the atmosphere causing the general temperature to drop. The same affect can be achieved by a volcano exploding, and you don't see people asking for Mt. Saint Helen to explode.


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