Sudan, the wolrd's last male northern white rhino, has died, putting his species on the brink of extinction

Sudan died at the age of 45 leaving only his daughter and grandaughter behind as the last white rhinos. Sudan was first rescued from the wil at the age of three by the Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic. Afterwhich all the remaining rhinos that were left in the wild, were savagely killed due to the high conflict in their area. The rhinos were being killed for their horns, to be used to make medicine, daggers or even justto be traded for money and war assistance. The only hope for the white rhino race is through thheprocess of in-vitro fertilization, this is a process that could cost around nine million dollars. Even through his death Sudan migh be able to help bring more life into the world.


  1. This is a huge issue!! Not only are people just killing the animals for their horns but they are doing it so much that the rhinos are on the breach of extinction!!!


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