Freakishly Warm Weather in the Arctic Has Climate Scientists 'Stunned'

The temperature in the northern arctic during winter goes down to a chilling minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit. This year though the arctic is experiencing and unusual heat wave. Weather temperatures like this have arrived at the Arctic before, usually once a decade. The last weather occurrence like this was during February of 2016, more recently than a decade ago. Arctic temperatures along with rapid sea loss are creating a climate feedback that can push forward arctic warming resulting in the melting of of arctic sea ice earlier than scientists thought. Sea ice covering the arctic is thinning faster than expected and is reaching record lows. An oceanographer says "We may be losing the Arctic faster than we thought." Previous climate forecasts predicted that Arctic Summer ice would disappear entirely by 2060. "We are looking at a sea ice loss within the next 20 years." 


  1. So sad! This will likely create more flooding in some areas? It will also cause some animals, native to the area, to become extinct. With all these changes happening, I wonder if there is anything people can do to somewhat save the Arctic!


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