Fossil footprints may put lizards on two feet 110 million years ago

A new discovery has been made from looking at fossilized footprints of iguana-like reptiles. These footprints appear to show that a variety of lizard was walking on two feet rather than scurrying on four. Although this discovery is not definite and also does not necessary have a huge impact on modern day life or the environment, I still thought it was a fascinating topic.


  1. Can you post the link? Thanks.


  2. Wow, very interesting. Could the iguana like reptiles be dinosaurs? or from the dinosaur age? If you think about it some dinosaurs - like raptors are kinda like lizards. I agree that it is a fascinating topic, I love seeing many researchers discover new fossil and find new things out.

  3. First, lizards walking on two feet is scary. Second, I think this discovery shows just how much science is improving throughout the years. These lizards walking on two feet could be a sign of evolution and we could see a new species emerge from this in a few years.

  4. I agree with Miranda that if this evidence is true, that would be frightening having lizards walking around on two feet. I think that it's strange that this information wasn't discovered until recently because studies have been being done on topics like these for a very long time.

  5. It's cool to see this discovery, but to imagine lizards walking on two feet is quite scary. So, what else could occur in the years coming to change by old species or new.


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