Spring is springing earlier in polar regions than across the rest of earth

Spring is springing earlier in polar regions than across the rest of earth

According to scientific reports every 10 degrees you move closer to the equator spring comes 4 days earlier than it did 10 years ago. With an early springtime it causes higher latitudes to become warmer. Springtime provides biological cues for many plant species and animal species, but it is very unclear how a earlier springtime will affect these species. The impact of an earlier springtime on migrating birds is a major concern because of the short supply of food when they arrive.


  1. I have no idea how to read the first sentence because it is written like two sentences were smacked together. I ask what is the cause of the earlier Spring, and I actually disagree to an extent. This year, it isn't supposed to get warm till April; Spring doesn't always begin earlier, but the schedule is messed up. I do agree to find it harder for living organisms to have their biological clocks to be disturbed for the big Spring season.
    (P.S. I would write more information for others to read and Mrs. Heagerty)


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