Greenland Is Literally Cracking Apart and Flooding the World

Every year thousands of lakes pop up on Greenland's surface as the surrounding ice melts, the ice would sit around for a few weeks and then drain away in the cracks in the ice sheet underneath. Researchers are starting to see a new pattern for the disappearing lakes, they are starting to drain further and farther inland. As the water drains away from the lake it can destabilize near ice beds. Day by day reaction intensifies as fresh cracks are formed and new lakes are drained. Billions of gallons of melted ice plunge below Greenland's surface every few days, much of this water pours into the surrounding ocean. According to a report in 2017 ice loss in Greenland was responsible for 25% of the global sea level rise in 2014. If Greenland melts it could result in a global sea-level rise of about 20 feet, but even minor increase in sea level could result in consequences around the world, many American coastal cites will experience high tides.


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