5 Global Trends Shaping Our Climate Future.

5 Global Trends Shaping Our Climate Future.

By creating new products that are useful and environment friendly it will help people see the true effects of what harm we have done to the earth today. Recently scientists have launched more wind turbines, solar panels, and electric cars to help stop the production of products that will continue to harm the environment. All three of these products are booming and continue to spread not only throughout the USA but also other countries around the world. These products will help create a healthier environment. 
I believe if more and more people continue to buy and use these environmental friendly products, we can prevent how fast the earth is changing. When people see these products in there neighborhoods, it can encourage more people to buy them. By having a surplus of healthier products for the environment, we can and will make a change to how the earth is evolving.


  1. While these environmentally friendly energy production tools are going to decrease pollution and help save the environment, they are also very expensive to install and many people do not have them for this reason. If someone found a way to make these items cost friendly and environmentally friendly, then it truly would be a great fix for the Earth.

  2. I believe that the cost factor will always come in the way as Skylar said. But, overall I see this environmentally friendly energy production tools as the future and I believe eventually the other factors will over way the cost and they will become more widely used.

  3. Making solar panels and wind turbines is very costly, and often people forget that nuclear power is also a form of clean energy, and depending on the type of fuel you use it could be much more cost effective than the above mentioned products.

  4. Is it really clean energy? The waste it produces is not.

  5. Though it may be costly I feel that as a whole it will be beneficial and worth the cost. Because we are reaching a point where we need to start making a change. But as consumers we should start investing in clean energy rather than go for the cheapest and fastest service. Because as we buy the cheapest and fastest which also pollutes more. We are also saying that we are fine with the options that pollute over the options that don't but are more costly. It ultimately comes done to the individual. Do they care enough? And if so are they willing to deal with the cost for the greater good?


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